Culture, Secularism and Diversity |
am immensely honoured to have been asked to give this Jawaharlal Nehru
Memorial Lecture. I feel very humble to speak about a man who was the
liberator of India and one of the liberators of the world and one to whom
I was personally obligated.
To talk
about him is indeed an honour and an onerous task. Nehru's ideas have
been often obscured by the encomiums heaped upon him and by the debunking
process that inevitably takes place after great men are gone. But his
ideas remain sharply pertinent to our own times and even to the times
ahead of us. Therefore, I thought I should say a few words about his vision
of his own country and of the world.
He had
an integrated vision of India and the world. He wanted to revive the ancient
glory of India in a modern form and to eliminate poverty, ignorance and
disease from this country and to introduce science and technology, and
progress to millions of its people. His dream was to eliminate inequalities
and injustices of this age-old society and to give it a modern form and
modern significance. He had a sense of mission for India, a mission of
peace and liberation. He was attracted by Vivekananda's ideal of unity
and strength for his country and by the ringing declaration of Vivekananda
when he said that our isolation from all other nations of the world was
the cause of our degradation and its only remedy was getting back to the
current of the rest of the world. Thus, the idea of unity and strength
of India and the need for remaining in the mainstream of the developments
of the world were integrated in his thinking and his actions.
As early
as 1927, he sent a Report to the AICC, after the International Congress
against Colonialism and Imperialism in Brussels, outlining what he thought
should be the basic policies of free India in the future. He spelt out
in this his vision of the future of Indian unity, the way he wanted to
deal with its minorities problem, the future economic structure of India,
the social problems of India and the foreign affairs of independent India.
It was an audacious exercise, the first of its kind. All that followed
was an elaboration, intensification and an integration of these four questions
into a coherent whole and into a philosophy of action.
India, his vision was dominated by the need for unity and independence.
The unity of India was a dream that haunted him throughout his life. He
was obsessed at that time as all Indian nationalists were, with the British
view of Indian unity spelt out by Sir John Strachey in 1888 that there
is not and there was never an India possessing, according to European
ideas, any sort of unity-physical, political, social, or religious. Western
perceptions of India, more or less, followed this original view propounded
by the British.
Much later, after India's independence, a Yugoslav scholar
Milovan Djilas wrote, "Despite my sympathy for India, I am not convinced
that it can remain united in the long run." Another intellectual, one
of the assistants of President Eisenhower, wrote in a futuristic piece,
that "the avowedly democratic society of India may be reasonably counted
upon not to unify but to fragment, probably into as many parts as Western
Europe." Richard Nixon in his book "Leaders" marvelled at the powerful
personality of Jawaharlal Nehru who could hold together India during its
critical years and maintain it as a single nation. But he also believed
that India could have been a nation of as many countries as Europe and
he expressed the view that it might have been good for the unifiers to
keep India as one, but it was probably not good for the people of India.
am not sure if in the glorious privacy of their minds the strategic thinkers
of Western countries do not think more or less in the same terms about
the future of India. America seems to have swallowed wholesale the British
view, and the assessment of China is not known, but I recollect one sentence
that Premier Zhou EnLai said during the Bangladesh war--he characterised
the fall of Dhaka not as "a victory for India but as a beginning of a
conflagration which would ultimately consume the whole sub-continent."
Nehru's dream of Indian unity in this context is a vision of great significance
for us and the world. Like Mahatma Gandhi and Sardar Patel, he was one
of those who considered the unity of India as firm and unassailable. The
concept of unity in diversity was too mystic for outsiders to grasp or
to understand. The multi-lingual, multi-religious, multi-racial and multi-political
pluralism of Indian life and society, to my mind is a forerunner of the
multipolar pluralism that is taking shape today in the world; it was this
fact that Jawaharlal Nehru proclaimed in regard to India and also of the
idea of unity was something of a floating dream throughout Indian history.
The Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim and British Empires in India had given to
this dream of unity, a cultural or spiritual or administrative or military
shape. But Mahatma Gandhi gave to that concept the immense unity of the
mass mind; Sardar Patel consolidated the administrative and territorial
unity. It was Jawaharlal Nehru who gave Indian unity a profound and concrete
economic and emotional content. The Five Year Plans that he formulated
introduced a pattern of developmental unity to the whole of India and
a certain economic inter-dependence of the different parts of India, perhaps
for the first time in our long history. To this he added the concept of
a casteless, classless society that was egalitarian and socialistic in
its orientation. He invested it with harmony and a sense of emotional
unity. He gave to this vision a form which was unprecedented in the history
of India and all this was encompassed in the framework of democracy in
the midst of the luxuriant pluralism of Indian life.
was a prophet of the mixed economy in India and perhaps in the world.
The economic content that he gave to the fact and the vision of Indian
unity was spelt out by him very clearly in the Five Year Plan documents.
In his Preface to the Third Plan he wrote, "In the last analysis, economic
development is but a means to an end-the building up through effort and
sacrifice, widely shared, of a society without caste, class or privilege
which offers to every section of the community and to all parts of the
country, the fullest opportunity to grow and contribute to the national
well-being." Again he wrote : "It is neither necessary nor desirable that
the economy should become a monolithic type of organisation offering little
place for experimentation either as to forms or as to modes of functioning."
there is a tendency to look upon the economic system, the mixed economy
that Nehru operated, as something of a rigid, almost totalitarian system
from which we have had to depart in the modern era of liberalisation.
But that was not his concept of mixed economy. It was not a mixture which
was rigidly set, but which was to vary according to circumstances, according
to the stage of technology. And if the bureaucratic deformation of this
mixed economy has affected initiative and enterprise in our system, it
is not that there was something basically faulty with Nehru's vision of
the Indian economic system. It is because we could not or we did not adapt
to changing circumstances, changing technological stages of society.
He had
integrally related this conception of the economy and the domestic set
up of India to his vision of the world, to his foreign policy. And this
he had stated clearly again in the Third Five Year Plan in a chapter written
by himself. He said, "In the larger context of the world, realisation
of this objective for India as for other countries is intimately tied
up with and dependent on the maintenance of peace...Peace, therefore,
becomes of paramount importance and an essential prerequisite for national
progress." This is how almost naturally, spontaneously, he made the transition
from domestic preoccupations to preoccupations with larger foreign policy.
But however much he was preoccupied with the world and with foreign policy
objectives, he knew and he said that very clearly, India was his basic
consideration. As early as 1942, he said at a press conference, "But,
ultimately, naturally I have to judge any question from the Indian point
of view. If India perishes, I must say selfishly if you like to call it,
it does not do me any good if other nations survived."
world outlook was therefore India-oriented and again I would like to refer
to his 1927 report. He linked India to the wider struggle, the anti-imperialist
struggle that was going on in the world and he remarked that we must understand
world movements and policies, and fashion our movement accordingly.
vision of One World had dawned upon him and he asserted that in the One
World of his dream he would give up a measure of freedom of action to
an international body of which India would be an equal member, but she
will do so if other countries agreed to limit their sovereignty in like
measure. It is interesting that this very thought was articulated by
Gandhi in very telling terms. Gandhiji said once :-"My service of India
includes the service of humanity. Isolated independence is not the goal
of world States. It is voluntary inter-dependence. The better minds of
the world desire today not absolutely independent states but a federation
of friendly interdependent states. I desire the ability to be totally
independent without asserting independence." This is a statement pregnant
with meaning even today. Gandhiji wanted the ability to be totally independent
without necessarily always asserting that independence. This is something
we ought to remember in the present opening up to the world. In a globalised
One World system, if this ability to be independent is crippled or constricted
then we would have lost something basic. It is not necessary for us to
assert our independence always, but we must retain as a precious thing
the ability to be independent. This was the crux of Nehru's One World
the interplay between nationalism and internationalism was born Nehru's
policy of Nonalignment and peaceful coexistence. He stated several times
that in spite of the conflicts and divisions in the world, the world was
moving towards the ideal of a One World that he had foreseen. He always
felt in his bones that the fundamental trend of the world was towards
a One World system. At the same time, he sensed earlier than anyone else,
the move towards alignment, groupings and attempts by certain groupings
at dominating the world. As early as 1927, he sensed this trend and said
that the United States may some day develop a kind of imperialism, that
Britain might join with United States in a powerful Anglo-Saxon bloc.
He also feared that even the Soviet Union might develop a new type of
In 1940, he wrote in an article that, if the idea of a World
Federation did not materialise, there might emerge a colossal grouping
of nations, with a danger of big wars. Later, sitting in the solitude
of Ahmednagar Jail he wrote in 1944-45, in his "Discovery of India" that
he saw the outlines of two groupings emerging around USA and USSR and
asked where this would leave the millions of people in Asia and Africa
? They would remain an awakened, discontented, seething humanity no longer
prepared to tolerate the existing conditions. He saw the common threads
of sentiment and invisible links which hold them together. This was his
discovery of the Third World or the Nonaligned world that was beginning
to emerge, in fact, though not in name. But he did not look at it as a
new bloc but as an area of peace, geographically expanding and transcending
geography, reaching out into the minds of peace-loving peoples everywhere.
of the greatest contributions of Jawaharlal Nehru to the world was the
precious gift of Nonalignment that he gave to it. We do not realize the
originality of this idea. If one reads textbooks of international politics
and international relations written 40 or 50 years ago, you would not
find the word Nonalignment or the concept of Nonalignment, but today it
is impossible to write anything about foreign policy without referring,
at least, in passing to this concept. He introduced between the two sides
to the cold war, a Nonaligned world, an area of peace, which prevented
the sharp division of the world into two warring blocs. It is this area
in between, that played a very crucial role in preventing a headlong collision
between the titanic forces in the world.
was one of the first to detect inside the blocs growing trends towards
peace, towards accommodation, towards understanding each other. Nehru
encouraged this process and it was one of the assumptions behind his foreign
policy. He wanted India and the Nonaligned countries to provide a bridge
between the two warring factions for the maintenance of peace. He thought
of India as a platform for the two contestants to meet, may be in the
first instance for competition between each other, but eventually for
co-operation and for reconciling their differences. The manner in which
the cold war finally ended showed the validity of Nehru's analysis of
world forces. It showed how within the blocs themselves, there were powerful
currents for mutual accommodation which fitted in with the aspiration
of the larger world.
In 1964,
a few months before he passed away, Nehru explained the nature and the
role of Nonalignment and it is worth quoting in full what he said : "The
basis of Nonalignment is our area of peace which has been consistently
increased since the inception of the policy. This not only helps to create
a sort of no-war land between the military blocs by making their war-like
confrontation difficult, but also provides them with a common ground for
cooperatrion in something like a workshop of peace. As more nations keep
joining the peace club as against the nuclear club and the cold war club,
we expect this Nonaligned grouping to grow and absorb other nations, the
European nations like France and Czechoslovakia which today belong to
NATO and boast of military alliances. We want the whole world to become
part of this area of peaceful coexistence including ultimately the United
States and the Soviet Union." This was the vision of Nehru's Nonaligned
world. Now that the Cold War is over, it has been argued by many scholars
that the rationale of Nonalignment has disappeared. But Nonalignment as
conceived by Nehru has retained that its validity and relevance in the
post-cold war era.
Various theories are put forward with regard to the
collapse of the Cold War system. Questions are asked like who won the
Cold War and who was the loser. The end of the Cold War is not considered
as a failure of a system of international relations that the great powers
had established; it is interpreted as a victory of one against the other.
I would like to discuss this question a little later but before that let
us have a look at Nehru's home front, his practical as well as visionary
policies in the neighbourhood on India and in Asia. Today, we talk a great
deal about the "Look East" policy, about our association with ASEAN, our
aspiration to belong to APEC, about our initiative in the Indian Ocean
Rim, the formation and evolution of SAARC and our good neighbourly policy
that we have initiated. But if we look back analyze what happened during
the early Nehru period with regard to India's relations with the neighbours,
it would become very clear that he was the forerunner of India's policy
towards Asia and that he had a dream about Asia.
And surprisingly here
again I can go back to 1927, when he argued that, in developing our foreign
policy, we should naturally first cultivate friendly relations with countries
of the East which have so much in common with us. And if you look at the
conduct of his foreign policy during the early period, we would find that
it was with neighbours like Nepal, Iran, Afghanistan, Burma, Ceylon and
Turkey, that he had established the most active relationship. Indeed,
treaties were concluded with several of these countries and if one looks
at the Ambassadorial appointments he made, while no doubt he sent important
Ambassadors to the capitals, Washington, London, Paris, Moscow, some of
the best men, public men, were selected and sent to our immediate neighbours.
then let us look at his actual conduct of policies. In fact he once wrote
in a letter to the Chief Ministers, "I cannot appreciate the question
being asked of us as to whether we are with the American group of powers
or with the Soviet group. We are friendly with both, but essentially we
function for ourselves and develop closer contacts with our neighbours."
There was a phrase which we have forgotten, which was very current in
those days, the South-East Asia Patterns. He had established the closests
relations between India, Burma and Indonesia. These three countries followed
more or less the same policies, world policies, and this relationship
came to be known as a South-East Asia Pattern which by extension applied
to other countries in the region who had not emerged fully on the Asian
scene as yet. It is a fact that Nehru took considerable interest in Burma.
When there was a civil war in Burma, he allowed the Burmese government
to buy arms in India. At one time, he made a statement that the security
of Burma was the security of India.
And you are all aware of what he did
during the Indonesian struggle for independence. No country in Asia has
been involved so intimately in the freedom struggle of another country
as India under Nehru, was involved in the Indonesian struggle. He called
a conference on Indonesia in New Delhi whose recommendations became the
basis of the stand that the United Nations took on the Indonesia problem.
During the time of the Japanese Peace Treaty, he had the imagination to
conclude a separate treaty with Japan recognising Japan not as a defeated
party but as an independent entity. I recollect that when the treaty was
negotiated I was a junior diplomat in Tokyo and how profoundly this gesture
affected the minds and hearts of the ordinary Japanese.
there is the role that Nehru played in the Indo-China and the Korean crises.
These are just forgotten as if they were not significant events and people
say very glibly these days that Nehru had neglected his neighbours and
Asia and was playing games with the great powers only. When the Korean
war broke out, it was India's diplomacy that prevented a real war breaking
out and that helped in the peace-making in that country. He said at one
time that if this Korean war led to a real war, all the dreams of India,
its dreams of planning and development, will be reduced to ashes, and
therefore it was incumbent on India to do something to prevent the spread
of this war. And when he was criticized about the futility of his intervention
in Korea-some speeches to that effect were made in Parliament-he declared
that if another occasion arose, he would send Indian troops on peace mission
not once but hundred times ! That was the degree of his involvement in
Asia and in peace at that time, an involvement which wasconstractive,
imaginative, realistic and productive of peaceful results.
So also
in Indo-China. I would like to say only one thing about the Indo-China
settlement which India helped to bring about. After the Geneva Declaration
was announced, he pointed out that the Convention of non-intervention
which was embedded in the declaration should be extended to the rest of
Asia and it should include even the great powers. In fact non-intervention
was the basic tenet of his foreign policy. As you know in the Five Principles
of Peaceful Coexistence which we signed with China, non-intervention was
one of the important principles. It is not very much known that while
it was Premier Chou Enlai who really formulated these five principles
first, it was on Nehru's insistence that the principle of non-intervention
was incorporated finally in the Tibet Agreement.
It was this principle
that he held fast to as being central to peace in Asia and in the world.
What I wish to emphasize is that Nehru's central preoccupation was Asia,
and it was standing on the platform of Asia that he projected hispolicy
to the world as a whole. In fact, the events which happened in Asia, whether
through great conferences like the Asian Relations Conference or the Bandung
Conference, had a world significance. Not only did they impact on the
Indo-China war and the Korean war, but also on the course of world events.
Major wars could have broken out in the world if peace had not been preserved
at those critical times. The efforts of India and Nehru had a lot to do
with this outcome whether the world recognized it then or does not recognize
it now.
were one or two more complicated relationships in this region, one with
China and another with Pakistan. About Nehur's China policy, it is not
necessary to say much to this distinguished audience, except to stress
that what he wanted was the acceptance of China by the rest of the world.
He had a few considerations in projecting this policy. First was, of course,
the relationship between the two ancient civilizations of Asia which he
thought should work together in friendship and cooperation. He wanted
that to happen. Then he had another consideration. His assessment was
that China, even at the time it signed the Sino-Soviet Treaty, would be
an independent party working independently on its own and not by any means
as a satellite of the Soviet Union. He wanted this inherent fact to blossom
out as an actual fact. Therefore, his method was to bring out China into
the world, into Asia. It was this policy which was bitterly suspected
and opposed by the United States. I read recently a speech President Clinton
made over the Voice of America after or during the visit of the President
Jiang Zemin to the United States. He said, I am quoting it because it
is an echo of what Nehru had said in the 1950s about China. President
Clinton said : "The isolation of China is unworkable, counter-productive
and potentially dangerous and isolation would encourage the Chinese to
become hostile and to adopt policies of conflict with our own interest
and values."
The words used by President Clinton are not exactly the same
as Nehru's, but the meaning is the same. It was precisely this argument
Nehru had advanced in favour of the recognition of China by other countries
after the liberation. Of course people say that his policy was a failure,
but why that policy failed was because while he recognised China and some
other countries recognised China, the United States and its allies did
not recognize China at the right time, and that led to immense suffering
and conflicts and tension in Asia. Therefore one is glad to read the statement
of President Clinton today, not to justify our policies retrospectively
though it does justify them, but to say that for the future this is a
good sign.
a series of meetings in Beijing recently, between President Yeltsin and
President Jiang Zemin, an interesting communique was issued by them. I
am only referring to what I read in the newspapers here. The communique
said that the time for alliances, the time for triangular strategic relations,
was over. Well, neither China nor the Soviet Union had believed in such
ideas earlier. I find this very significant. Those who say that Nonalignment
has no relevance in the present period, ought to consider these statements
which are echoes of the language of Nonalignment being spoken today by
the great powers.
we are trying to become members of the APEC, the Asia Pacific Economic
Cooperation. Nehru had written in the "Discovery of India" in 1945 that
the Pacific would be the nerve centre of world politics in the next century
and India would have to do much about this area. India is today not a
member of the APEC but she is a dialogue partner of ASEAN, closely associated
with it and involved in South East Asian developments. But the difference
is that while we are trying to be in Asia and Asia Pacific today, we were
a central player in Asia during the Nehru era. I am not saying this as
any sort of criticism because there are many reasons, regional and international,
for this, but I would like to put the record straight by saying that during
Nehru's period India was an active player and an influential player in
Asian affairs.
the Cold War, apart from everything else, economic relations have assumed
supreme importance. Some people have made the projection that economic
wars may arise in the world. I do not know; it need not necessarily be
so, but one has to consider the great gap and the inherent conflict between
the developing world and the developed world, and it is in this context
and in regard to this problem that Nonalignment has been asserting itself
as a major force.
then, in the military sense, one should ask as to why, even though the
Warsaw Pact has been dissolved, NATO remains in existence. There are signs
of it being used for cooperation for constructive purposes. But whether
in Europe or in Asia, one does not know whether new alignments and groupings
in conflict with each other might arise in the future or not. And in this
context, Nonalignment as conceived by Nehru has a preventive role to play
even in the present world.
Nehru a new international order was a dream that he pursued. He was a
great believer in the United Nations. Today we are talking about restructuring
the United Nations. It was in 1960 that he said in the United Nations
that the UN has not been fair to Asia and Africa; they have a right to
be in the Security Council, he said. While he said this, he did not want
to press the point at the time, but he did wish to register the right
of the countries of Asia and Africa to have a say and a role and a place
in the Security Council of the United Nations.
of course, he was a passionate advocate of disarmament. Disarmament is
talked of today in terms different than in Nehru's time, and we have to
direct our attention to that ethereal realm in which a high-technology
armaments race is taking place. So if one applies Nehru's advocacy of
disarmament to the present stage, one has to somehow bring these questions
of high-technology weapons almost unseen by the common eyes of the world,
and ask how it could be controlled and how it could be made a subject
of discussion in international fora.
these questions are integrally related to Nehru's vision of the world
and his vision of India. I think we can follow his vision of the world
only if we can make his vision of India a credible one. Today there is
desperate need to inject into our thinking a bit of his vision of India-a
country of nearly one billion people marching together in unity and brotherhood
making its contribution to the kind of world that he had envisioned.
Thank you.
Hind |
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